The various levels of involvement in the standardization system
Essential components of the standardizing system, experts provide the technical knowledge necessary to the development of standardizing documents and represent the people who need and use the standardizing documents.
Standardization is a collective work
Standardization is a collective work which is done with the active and efficient assistance of experts supported by their organizations, ready to seek and to find together, with mutual respect and in acceptable economic conditions, a satisfactory solution to the technical and organizational questions addressed by the standard. This collective work is intended for the major players in the country's economy, for the industry, for the statutory organizations. This collective work is dependent on the methodological and logistical support of the standardization operators, i.e. AFNOR and the standardization offices.
Expert in a French standardizing committee
An expert who is a “member of a French standardizing committee” is instrumental in the preparation of the draft standards included in the program of his committee, as well as of the corresponding international and European standards. He is an instrument for feedback and the expression of his organization's needs. He may participate in European or international work.
An expert masters his technical fields and is knowledgeable about the strategic and economic issues at stake for his organization. He contributes to making his company or organization known to his French partners, and to international partners.
He relies on a national (or international, when necessary) network of business connections and conducts a technological survey for his company or his organization.
Chairman of a French standardizing committee
The chairman of a French committee is responsible for the committee's work program. He conducts the committee's work in such a way as to obtain consensus. He ensures that the technical level of the standards is consistent with the technical level of the sector, and that economic constraints are taken into account. He organizes the French participation in the European and international work. He conducts the meetings, permanently seeking consensus. He is recognized as the committee's representative.
Expert in European or international working groups
An expert in European or international working groups actively participates in the work of the corresponding French structure for the preparation of the draft standards. While working in a personal capacity, he takes into account the recommendations made in the French structure that appointed him and reports regularly on the work progress.
The expert masters his technical area and has a good knowledge of policy and economic issues of its constituents.
He promotes his company or his organization within the European or international partners. He takes advantage of a European or international relational network and develops a technology watch for his company or his organization.
Convenor of a European or international working group
The convenor of a European or international working group is the interlocutor of the instance it depends on. He leads the work allocated to the working group in compliance with the objectives and target dates. He shall participate actively in the work of the corresponding French structure.
The convenor masters his field of technical expertise and has a good knowledge of policy and economic issues of its constituents. He leads the meetings, always looking for consensus. He knows the working procedures and the rules for the content of standards.
He promotes his company, corporation, or organization within the European or international partners. He takes advantage of a European or international relational network and develops a technology watch for his company or his organization.
Delegate in a European or international Technical Committee
The delegate in a European or international Technical Committee or Sub-committee is proposed by the French standardization committee and nominated by the French member body to express and support the French position. He participates actively in the work of the corresponding French structure. If he is appointed as the head of delegation he expresses and supports the national positions.
The delegate masters his field of technical expertise and has a good knowledge of policy and economic issues of its constituents. He knows the working procedures and the rules for the content of standards.
He promotes his company, corporation, or organization within the European or international partners. He contributes to the promotion of the French interests, takes advantage of a European or international relational network and develops a technology watch for his company or his organization.
Chairman of a European or international Technical Committee
The Chairman of a European or international Technical Committee or Sub-committee is responsible for the monitoring of the work programme of the technical committee or sub-committee, in compliance with the objectives and target dates. He makes sure that for any new work item, the issues and objectives have been identified. He conducts the work in view of getting consensus. The chairman represents his technical committee or sub-committee in front of companies, corporations or external organization.
The chairman masters his field of technical expertise and has a good knowledge of policy and economic issues of its constituents. He runs the debates, always looking for consensus; he shows his impartiality and gives everyone a chance to express his own point of view. He knows the rules for project management.
He promotes his company, corporation, or organization within the European or international partners. He represents his field of activity and orientates the strategy of his committee and takes benefit of early knowledge of information.