UNMUNM Association

The Association

UNM is a non-profit association which was founded in 1977 by FIM "Fédération des Industries Mécaniques" (Federation of Mechanical engineering industry) and CETIM "Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques" (Technical Research Center for Mechanical engineering industry).

UNM is chaired by Jérôme BATAILLE and managed by Frédéric DUCLOYER :

Vincent VERNEYRE, Jérôme BATAILLE, Carole Gratzmuller

From the left: Frédéric DUCLOYER (General Manager), Jérôme BATAILLE (Chair of UNM) et Carole Gratzmuller (Chair of the Orientation Committee)

The association has 3 "de jure" members (FIM, CETIM, CETIAT), 26 "active" members (trade associations : see the list of partners below) and 5 "associate" members (EDF, ENGIE, GIFAS, RENAULT and TOTAL).

UNM is managed by a Board comprising: