Participating in standardization
Participating in standardization: an eminently strategic decision
All the interested economic partners and representatives of the civil society join in the standardization process.
The use of standards is more than ever the pivot of industrial and commercial exchanges both at national and international levels. Actively participating in the development of standards through a strong presence within the various standardization committees is therefore really essential for companies.
A lot of manufacturers have understood that standardization can really constitute an economic weapon. Standards are used by everyone, but those who take the initiative in participating in their preparation, get "a plus" that can be incorporated in their expertise and corporate policy.
In high level technological competition, the more companies integrate standardization upstream - from the design stage for an innovative product -, the more their competitive advantage will be important.
Participate in standardization: be active and not wronged
In order that a standard becomes a real tool for market penetration, the suppliers who will have to apply it must participate aggressively in the standard development work. As far as standardization is concerned, no apparently technical decision is neutral: it is necessary to analyse its industrial and economic consequences before endorsing it.
Participation in standardization work makes it easier for manufacturers to introduce innovations on the market, to anticipate the development of their products, to introduce solutions adapted to their companies' expertise, to acquire new weapons in the economic competition.
Standards are a key commercial issue; they reduce barriers to trade, and as such constitute an undeniable advantage for the first company who is able to produce a product in conformity with them, while maintaining a barrier against competitors who would not be ready yet.
Participation in standardization work allows users to have their needs specifically taken into account, to check that the operating requirements for the products will be acceptable, to make sure that the safety of operators and installers will be considered, to check that there is no risk of dependence on existing solutions.
Standardization is also a modern way of state intervention to guarantee the coherence of market mechanisms and the regular action of the key players in the system.
Participation in standardization work allows all the experts to meet the industry, users, and representatives of the government authorities, to know about the developments of the texts and take ownership, to understand the relationship between the standards and regulations, and to be able to apprehend the conformity of the equipment with the regulations.
For all the socioeconomic partners, participating actively in standardization gives them an opportunity to be aware in advance of the changes and developments that will be made in standards; it therefore means for them to act on standardization in order not to suffer from it.