ActivitiesMaintenance agencies

EN 13480 Maintenance Agency


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This website is intended to facilitate use of the standard EN 13480 by providing, at European level, an accelerated process to give official answers to questions or modification requests regarding the application of this Standard.
Information about the update and evolutions of the standard are also provided.
This information can be found at national level, from the standardization body responsible for this standard.


In 2018:

Following the publication of the new Edition EN 13480-1-2-3-4-5-6 and -8:2017 (so called "consolidated version") in June 2017, 3 additional Amendments EN 13480-2:2017/A1:2018, A2:2018 and A3:2018 have been published in October 2018 for Part 2 on "Materials".

To get these amendments, contact your national standardization body.


This standard provides one means of conforming to essential safety requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (so called PED). Through the publication of its reference in the Official Journal of European Union, it gives presumption of conformity to the essential safety requirements identified in Annex ZA of each Part. EN 13480 is therefore a very important reference document in the pressure equipment sector.

Significant changes between the 2017 edition and the 2012 edition are detailed within the Annexes Y in each Part of the new Edition.

The standard consists of the following Parts:

It is completed by the updating informative document published in july 2017:

List of the parts currently in force :


Work organisation

The process used to deal with questions and modification requests is shown on the following diagram:

EN 13480/MHD is the central point to collect any queries from users of the standard. EN 13480/MHD is composed of European experts who were involved in the preparation of EN 13480 and any other experts nominated by CEN members.

Questions to be asked shall be written in English using the Template available on this EN 13480/MHD website.

The scope of EN 13480/MHD is limited to corrections and interpretations related to EN 13480. If EN 13480/MHD cannot solve a question, it is sent back to the relevant Working Group of CEN/TC 267.

Questions may result in technical amendments to EN 13480 which are dealt with by CEN/TC 267 according to the CEN rules (i.e. registration in CEN/TC 267 work programme, submission to vote).

The questions on EN 13480 with a proposed answer are sent by email to EN 13480/MHD experts:

When questions cannot be solved by email, they are discussed during meetings of EN 13480/MHD for final validation.

The list of questions registered on EN 13480 is available by downloading:

MHD questions of 2013

MHD questions of 2014

MHD questions 2015

MHD questions_2016

MHD questions 2017

MHD Questions 2018

MHD Questions 2019

MHD Questions 2020

MHD Questions 2021

MHD Questions 2022


The questions are given in a chronologic order for each Part; for the questions still under discussion, no answer is shown. Answers to your questions about the current version of the standard can also be found in previous years' MHD answers about the former edition of the standard.

A new issue of EN 13480 is delivered each year; it includes the identified corrections and consolidates the Amendments adopted between two issues. The differences between the new Edition and the successive "Issues" will be indicated in Annex Y of each Part of EN 13480 and the changes are indicated in the relevant pages.

Every five years a new Edition (so called "consolidated version") is published with a new year.

Submission of questions

The downloadable form shall be used to submit questions; it shall be sent to the secretariat of
EN 13480/MHD at the following e-mail address:

Download the form

Information about on-going evolution

The future technical changes and other items under discussion should be issued according to the following work program available here after:

EN 13480 series Work Program 2023