ActivitiesMaintenance agencies

EN 13445 Maintenance Agency


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The maintenance agency is intended to facilitate the use of the standard EN 13445 by providing, at European level, an accelerated process to give official answers to questions or modification requests regarding the application of this Standard.

Information about the updates and evolutions of the standard are also provided.

This information can be found and complemented at national level, from the standardization body responsible for this standard.



EN 13445 series of standards provides rules for the design, fabrication, and inspection of pressure vessels. It provides one means of conforming to essential safety requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/CE (so called PED). Through the publication of its reference in the Official Journal of European Union, it gives presumption of conformity to the essential safety requirements identified in Annex ZA of each Part.

EN 13445 is the key standard in the field of pressure vessels.

The third edition of EN 13445 "Unfired pressure vessels" was delivered in July 2014. The significant changes between the 2014 edition and the 2009 edition are detailed in the document:
Changes 2014-2021

EN 13445 is divided into parts which cover the following items:

It is completed by four technical reports (informative documents):

Organisation of the maintenance agency

EN 13445 Maintenance agency acts under the responsibility of the technical committee CEN/TC 54. It is the midpoint for collecting questions. They are dealt with either during meetings or by correspondence. When the experts cannot resolve the questions by exchanging messages only, then these are discussed during the meetings of the maintenance agency for final validation. The answers to the questions are reviewed by the working groups of CEN/TC 54 and submitted to the maintenance agency experts for validation. The applicant is informed whatever the result is an action (interpretation, correction or modification) or not.

The process used to deal with questions and modification requests is shown on the following diagram:

The list of questions registered on EN 13445:2014 is available by

MHD questions 2015

MHD questions 2016

MHD questions 2017

MHD questions 2018

MHD questions 2019

MHD questions 2020

MHD questions 2021


The questions are given in a chronologic order for each Part (or sub-Part).

Submission of questions

The downloadable form shall be used to submit questions; it shall be sent to the secretariat of EN 13445/MHD at the following e-mail address:

Download the form

Information about on-going evolution


Change of publication mode. One amendment per year per part maximum and consolidation of the amendment to the stardard as soon as it is published

Amendment to Part 2

Amendment to Part 3

Amendment to Part 4

Amendment to Part 5
Other items

Addition of titanium alloys in Part 11

Addition of copper alloys in Part 12

Addition of pressure equipment and pressure components fabricated with additive manufacturing method in Part 14


Experts of the maintenance agency

The following experts, involved in the preparation of the standard EN 13445, are part of the maintenance agency:


Expert name


Piet Verbesselt


Olavi Valtonen


Mika Vartiainen


Cécile Petesch


Guy Baylac


Manuella Triay


Nadiège Ludivion


Philippe Rohart


Jorge Enrique Munoz Garcia


Andreas Kittel


Frank Wohnsland


Peter Langenberg


Ruediger Gawlick


Fernando Lidonnici


Pierre Carpentier 


Ulf Malmström


Simon Earland


Miles Gardner


Phil Bygate


Sarah Kelly


Phil Orton


Thierry Legrand

Additional informations

Background to the rules in Part 3 Design : Issue 2

Comparative study EN 13445/CODAP

Comparative study EN 13445/ASME